Obi-Wan Kenobi Keychain
It’s not quite as exciting as our earlier posting, but this LEGO Obi-Wan Kenobi keychain was found at the LEGO Shop in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom over the weekend.
It’s not quite as exciting as our earlier posting, but this LEGO Obi-Wan Kenobi keychain was found at the LEGO Shop in Milton Keynes, United Kingdom over the weekend.
The LEGO internet community is buzzing about the surprise appearance of images of not one, but two super-secret Star Wars sets coming in the summer of 2006 from LEGO. In case you are worried that […]
Tempted to get LEGO Star Wars The Video Game for your Macintosh, then check out the playable demo from Aspyr.com.
Head over to Toyrus.com for a chance to save 25% on your next LEGO purchase. But with only the UCS Y-wing Fighter left, your choices are limited.
Thanks to Steve Witt, of the LEGO Community Team, we now have an explanation as to why this set popped up unexpectedly, and why it disappeared just as quickly: “The Ultimate Space Battle was only […]
The following sets have just been added to the shop@home catalogue: V-wing Fighter TIE Interceptor A-wing Fighter B-wing Fighter Slave I Currently, these are only available to customers in the United States and Canada. Thanks […]
From LEGO comes the following: The first licensed property to join the LEGO family in 1999, LEGO Star Wars(TM) has become one of the best-selling lines in global company history, and continues in 2006 with […]
Over at LEGO.com is a new interview with one of their senior product designers. Included is a “favourite set” poll. While it might appear an innocuous set of questions this poll will aid LEGO in […]
Our friends at Eurobricks have posted that the Ultimate Space Battle set is now available to US and Canadian customers on the LEGO shop@home website for US$49.99/CA$69.99.
Reader Juice reports that he has spotted the Episode III Collector’s Set (65771) at his Toys “R” Us in Delaware for $59.99. Those of you who prefer to do your shopping online can visit Toysrus.com.
The official Star Wars website has released news and images of the first LEGO sets of 2006 – check it out!
Reader Gillan in the UK has sent in word that he has picked up the Ultimate Space Battle set that includes the new Obi-Wan Kenobi’s starfighter. It was found in the Ipswich branch of Toys […]
With news that the LEGO Return of the Jedi A-Wing is going to be $5 higher than the originally expected $9.99 has got collectors asking “what’s in the box?” LEGO have provided the answer with […]
On the back of a pretax loss of $26 million, LEGO have decided to relocate one of its production facilities to Eastern Europe, and are further considering a move to China reports this press release. […]
Tim Skirvin has completed the LEGO Death Star II in only 13 hours and has posted his photo gallery of the building process.
The ARC-170 and Droid Tri-Fighter sets, along with an astromech, 3 x Clone Pilots and a buzz-droid, have been bundled under the gestalt of the Episode III Collector’s Set (65771). The set also contains either […]
For reasons unknown the LEGO MINI version of the Corporate Alliance Tank Droid was cancelled. Now you can construct your own using the original instructions from the LEGO website. Thanks to Psychoticsloth in our LEGO […]
Jake at LEGO has provided Rebelscum.com with hi-res images of the recently previewed Boba Fett’s Slave I (set 6209). Click the thumbnail above for a better look.
New on the LEGO shop@home website is this stunning t-shirt depicting Darth Vader as a minifig, and is currently only available to Australia, New Zealand and Europe.
LEGO want to know what makes its fans tick – help them out by spending a few minutes filling in their questionnaire.
Don Roberts sends word that the next LEGO sets will have the following prices: Ultimate Space Battle – $60, V-wing fighter – $30, TIE Interceptor – $20, A-wing fighter – $20, B-wing fighter – $40 […]
Six new LEGO sets have been confirmed by Star Wars.com, just a week after we posted our scoop. Starting in October the Ultimate Space Battle (Set 7283) will give us Obi-Wan’s Jedi Starfighter as well […]
Word just in from TRUJedi reveals details of new sets coming in 2006: The B-Wing looks pretty much the same. The sample package doesn’t have sides or a back, so I can’t tell if the […]
From Jedi Jman comes the following list of Star Wars System sets: – 6207 A-wing with Pilot and crewman – 6205 V-Wing with Clone Pilot – 6208 B-Wing with Pilot – 6206 Tie Interceptor with […]
Heading for the breakers yard this September is the UCS Star Destroyer, which will be retired to make shelf space for the Death Star II, which comes out in the same month.
Jipay from Eurobricks.com has contacted us with the information that one of their readers recently toured the LEGO facilities in Billund, Denmark and discovered that a UCS Jedi Starfighter will be released next year.
The LEGO Star Wars Video Game is now available for pre-order from Aspyr.com for any customer living the USA, Canada, Australia, Great Britain, France and many other countries. Thanks to Frank K. for the […]
LEGO have added two more keyrings to their Revenge of the Sith collection. These two – Anakin Skywalker and Chewbacca – were found today at the LEGO shop, Bluewater in the UK. Thanks to Ricky […]
The newest Classic Star Wars set from LEGO is now available to purchase, for $140/€170/£110/AU$296, from the shop@home website.
Want to add a 12″ LEGO R2-D2 to your collection? All you have to do to get entered into the draw is buy some LEGO Star Wars sets from Amazon.com between June 5 and June […]
The official Star Wars site has officially announced that LEGO will be producing a Sandcrawler set, available to preorder on June 15th. The set will have movable tracks, stearing, cranes, will measure 15 x 8 […]
Early in March 2005 we received an invitation to meet with Giant Interactive Entertainment, the software house who is responsible for development of LEGO Star Wars The Video Game. It was an invitation accepted with […]
To be honest with you I don’t spend any time playing children’s computer game, I also have limited experience playing on consoles and I don’t really like those over-the-shoulder perspective games. So you might be […]
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