April Store Calendar Star Wars Events

LEGO is well known for creating events, builds and promotions that encourage creativity and entertain customers for their sovereign shop fronts, and every month produce a calendar outlining these activities – and the one for April has just slipped its leash and run out into the internet.

LEGO Star Wars April calendar brand store event
And what is notably absent is a splash on April 20th about the release of the sets from Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Every month the LEGO brand and certified stores share in an events timetable that – with some minor local variations – is mirrored around the world. So most of what’s going to happen in the London Leicester Square brand store will be repeated in the certified store in Bali. Mostly.

What we have been hearing is that there won’t be a worldwide Solo merchandise release date as those who are supporting “Wookiee Weekend” believe. You may remember that Rebelscum posted news that at one point these sets would be released on April 13th. It turns out that this is the on-shelf date in Ukraine, while a recent German catalogue has the release of the Solo sets coming out in May, with no specified date.

Though it is odd that the US store calendar doesn’t have April 20th marked as a special event it is explainable. So no, the release date of the LEGO Solo sets hasn’t been changed. From a certain point of view.

The only tease that there will be some interesting Star Wars activity during the month is an event dubbed Kessel Run Adventure, which runs from the end of April, through all of May and through to the tail end of June. What exactly this entails is unknown and it doesn’t appear to be a physical build event. A read over the simple description provided in the March calendar makes it sound like a digital event that looks to be linked to lego.com/life.

LEGO Star Wars Solo Kessel Run brand store event
If you check with a Brick Specialist (aka LEGO store employee) to find out when your local brand store will be hosting it please let us know any details you discover. Pics of the activity are always welcome! Sadly the event is open to children only, so if you are photographing it to share please check with the staff that it’s OK to do so – LEGO has a digital safety policy that we support.

If you can’t make it to a LEGO brand store then you can still do your LEGO Star Wars shopping through the LEGO online store and help support Rebelscum.com at the same time.

Entertainment Earth

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