A total of 30 Prizes will be awarded in this Prize Giveaway:
Thursday, July 18th
5 LEGO® PS4 Spider-Man Minifigures
5 LEGO® Captain Marvel ASIS Exclusive SetFriday, July 19
5 LEGO® Barb Stranger Things Minifigures
5 LEGO® LEGO Star Wars Sith Trooper Bust Exclusive SetSunday, July 21
5 LEGO® LEGO Zebra Batman Minifigures
5 LEGO® The Dark Knight of Gotham Exclusive Set
To enter, simply RT (ReTweet) clearly designated competition tweets posted by @LEGO_Group during the entry period. Potential Winners will be chosen by random draw from among all eligible entries received, to be conducted by members of the LEGO Social Media Team.
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