As the Earth spins on its axis and eradicates a year we never want to think about again, LEGO rings in 2021 with four new Star Wars sets.
Available from midnight in each of the primary LEGO markets (Australia/Pacific, Europe and North America), these four news sets, which includes a slightly down-scaled TIE Fighter and X-wing, as well as a fourth System-scale addition to The Mandalorian schedule (not including a new keychain which is still listed as Coming Soon) and a “new” Millennium Falcon microfighter.
- 75295 Millennium Falcon Microfighter – $9.99
- 75299 Trouble on Tatooine – $29.99
- 75300 Imperial TIE Fighter – $39.99
- 75301 Luke Skywalker’s X-Wing Fighter – $49.99
Place your orders quickly because they’re selling out fast – 75299 Trouble on Tatooine took less than 4 hours to sell out in Australia!
Purchases over $85 will qualify for a free retro/vintage sports car gift with purchase, which was designed by a fan and created as a result of a LEGO Ideas program.
I have the X Wing and Tatooine sets ordered and paid for on click and collect at Argos. I have also studied the X Wing manual and already have the parts out to fix that appalling nose!!!
I wanted to start 2021 on a positive note but bad Lego has stopped that. In short, I have built 75301 and I fully expect a product recall. The clip on the front landing gear is barely attached and falls off easily. Point the nose to the floor and two of the ends of the laser canons fall off. The slightest nudge and R2 falls out and the nose fell apart more than once during construction of the rest of the set. For a set aimed at kids supposedly designed to take some hammer from some serious swooshing, this set fails on so many levels. With those issues fixed, it would be good enough for the job it was designed for and long may it live. However, as an AFOL specialising in X Wings, this is my least favourite set at any scale. Finally and despite everything else, the technic wing mechanism is pure genius and worth the purchase price alone just to build that.