Interrupting its mid-season hiatus, the LEGO Bits N’ Bricks podcast returned for a special, one-off episode to celebrate the legacy of Star Wars video games and take a deep-dive into the development of the LEGO Star Wars video game series.
Discussing the full history of LEGO Star Wars games hosts Brian Crecente and Ethan Vincent look back at the earliest days of Lucasfilm Games Group, the franchise’s relationship with Atari, why LucasArts started producing their own Star Wars titles, and how Tt Games came onto the scene with their first LEGO Star Wars video game.
Speaking with Matt Shell and Matt Fillbrandt from Lucasfilm Games, these two long-termers talk about the projects they worked on and how the direction of the Lucasfilm gaming division shifted through non-Star Wars games to T-rated Star Wars games that focussed on FPS and strategy, and how Star Wars gaming was flipped on its head when LEGO came on the scene and the first LEGO Star Wars video game was released in 2005.
The podcast delves into the earliest days of development when Giant Interactive, whose enthusiasm for the LEGO Star Wars video game concept managed the project, got in on the ground floor and carries the story forward through to explain how Traveller’s Tales (now Tt Games, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment) game to be the lead hand in continuing the whimsical approach taken to tell the Star Wars story in LEGO format.
Don’t expect any sneaky updates on The Skywalker Saga in this extremely interesting conversation however.
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