The Holo-Brick Archives is a hobby site run by volunteers. It is funded by a number of curated affiliate programmes and advertising associates.

Affiliate Programmes
All the different affiliate programmes that The Holo-Brick Archives uses are selected for reputation, authenticity and value for money – and all are related to the sale of LEGO products.

When you make a direct (or sometimes in-direct) purchase as a result of clicking on a link at The Holo-Brick Archives, we may earn a small commission. The level of commission varies depending on the merchant but in general it is between 1 and 5% of the value of the sale. Some affiliate programmes only include the initial link while others allow for deeper tracking of sales.

You can review the individual affiliate schemes that The Holo-Brick Archives are a member of at,,, Entertainment Earth,, Hallmark and for further information.

Advertising Associates
We also partner with first and third-party advertising companies in order to help maintain the site. Advertising partners are selected based on their reputation, selection of goods and value for money, and we do our best to only work with those companies that support LEGO brand values.

Some third-party advertisers may use cookies to collect information during your visit to The Holo-Brick Archives to help show advertisements on other websites also likely to be of interest to you. Please review our Privacy Policy for more details on how this information is handled.

From time to time advertisers, manufacturers and publishers provide The Holo-Brick Archives with product to review. This is done as objectively and such instances are identified in the article.

Advertising Opportunities
Are you looking for a way to promote your service or product? We are always open to finding suitable partners to help keep The Holo-Brick Archives running. If you think your product fits the brand values that The LEGO Group promotes then we’d be interested to hear from you.

We have spaces for leaderboard (728 x 90) and square (350 x 350) graphics and offer reasonable rates for a minimum three-month contract.

If you have any questions about our Affiliate & Advertising Policy please use the form below to contact us.

Entertainment Earth