Also known as Legends, the Expanded Universe encompases all the fictional background stories, characters, environments and situations created in the spin-off movies (such as Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor), novels, comics, video games and TV series (including the original cartoon The Clone Wars series). Initially it covered all licensed/approved material outside of the six Star Wars movies but is now considered to be all the work done - with the exception of the animated The Clone Wars and Rebels series - prior to Disney purchasing Lucasfilm in 2014.
Also known as Legends, the Expanded Universe encompases all the fictional background stories, characters, environments and situations created in the spin-off movies (such as Caravan of Courage and The Battle for Endor), novels, comics, video games and TV series (including the original cartoon The Clone Wars series). Initially it covered all licensed/approved material outside of the six Star Wars movies but is now considered to be all the work done - with the exception of the animated The Clone Wars and Rebels series - prior to Disney purchasing Lucasfilm in 2014.