
Leaked Rey Minifig

The darling of the Resistance has made her The Last Jedi minifig debut at last, thanks to an underground web of smugglers and spies. Exactly what the Resistance was founded on! Here we see her […]


40268 R3-M2 Polybag Polygamy

Artoo begets Arthree at shop@home with the introduction of the 40268 R3-M2 polybag offer. Simply buy any – yes any (no minimum purchase required) – LEGO Star Wars product before May 31st (while stocks last) […]


Faces Of Past Futures

It’s amazing what’s floating around the Internet these days! Check out the Shoretrooper from next year’s 75171 Battle on Scarif set and the new Darth Maul from the expected 75169 Duel on Naboo set.