
Porgs Unplucked

Having spent a number of years living in Pembroke Dock – the town in which the first full-scale Millennium Falcon was built for the production of The Empire Strikes Back in 1977 – and walking […]


Star Wars 2019 Vehicles

The onslaught of officially condoned unofficial release information continues with pics and descriptions of two re-treads from 2008/14. 75233 Droid Gunship – US$49.99 Create your own Star Wars: The Revenge of the Sith style battles […]


Look Sir, Reviews.

Once upon a time, in a bedroom recalled with fondness and nostalgia, there was a child who used to spend hours at play with LEGO bricks spread across the floor. Castles, spaceships, pirate strongholds and […]


Star Wars Toys FTW

It’s the time of year when the what’s-hot lists start appearing across a multitude of platforms to steer your purchasing instincts in the run-up to Christmas and getting in on the action is The Toy […]